Package One
1.5 hr photography session
Collection of ten digital images
Studio props/ outfits provided
Private online gallery
Two set-ups (Sibling and parent poses can be included as a set up.)
Newborn sessions take place in the comfort of the studio.
The ideal time to photograph newborns is within the first 21 days when they're still nice and sleepy, however, this package is also for babies up to 6 weeks (since babies are super cute at any time!)
This Session can include up to two set-ups.
Please note that due to style and personal preference I don't shoot or pose fully naked poses with newborns.
You will be presented with high resolution, professionally retouched images, delivered via your own private online gallery, with digital downloads.
Package Two
2 hr+ photography session
Collection of ALL edited final images*
*approx 30-35 images
Studio props/ outfits provided
Private online gallery​
Sibling and parent poses included.
Newborn sessions take place in the comfort of the studio.
The ideal time to photograph newborns is within the first 21 days when they're still nice and sleepy, however, this package is also for babies up to 6 weeks (since babies are super cute at any time!)
This Session includes as many different set ups for variation in the gallery as possible during the session.
Please note that due to style and personal preference I don't shoot or pose fully naked poses with newborns.
You will be presented with high resolution, professionally retouched images, delivered via your own private online gallery, with unlimited digital downloads.
Collection of five additional images
Collection of ten additional images
Single additional image